Brand Licensing Europe 2017 Review

Pantone stand at Brand Licensing Europe 2017

Europe’s largest branding event just got even bigger. So why are more people than ever flocking to Brand Licensing Europe? DMN popped down to take a look. With a 4% rise in attendance, Brand Licensing Europe (BLE) had it’s most successful year ever. But 2017 was also its most diverse. With the event shifting a large […]

LuxLive 2017 Review

Cu Phosco stand at LuxLive exhibition 2017

LuxLive is always a favourite event here at DMN. Lighting is a great way to stand out, particularly at exhibitions; so we like to keep our eye on emerging trends so we can bring them back to our clients. Also, as stand designers, it is a particularly fascinating show to attend. In a room full […]

Pop-Up Stor(i)es

World vision Pop-Up Retail Kiosk

Pop Up Stores aren’t for everyone, but they should be. Because if you want a simple, cost effective and exciting way to engage customers, there’s really nothing better. Changing Face of Pop Up Stores Pop Up Stores have changed dramatically over the years. Gone is the ‘make do and mend’ attitude around available space. Gone […]

6 Reasons You Are Not Converting Leads From Exhibitions

Ever wondered why the excitement you get at the show doesn’t convert into sales? Exhibitions are not simply about being there and putting on a great show (although this is a big part of it). You also need to give people a reason to be there and to care once they leave. Your stand and […]

Metrics to watch when marketing your events

What makes a successful exhibition? It’s a tough question, with no simple answer. Every company has different objectives, so how can they hope to evaluate them? For many, basic ROI formulas are insufficient. Exhibitions are about exposure and engagement as well as sales, and to understand your exhibition’s success you have to understand the relationship […]

What are the main challenges of exhibiting abroad?

Ever wondered if exhibiting abroad could be an easy way to grow your audience fast? Exhibiting can be extremely good for business if done correctly. Nothing quite beats face-to-face marketing and sales. And doing it abroad is no different. In fact exhibiting abroad comes with a number of key benefits that can all help your […]

Introducing our newest partners…

Smart AV Virtual Reality Experts

Say hello to Smart AV DMN are always looking to push boundaries within the exhibition industry and to do that you need the right partners. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the people at Smart AV to offer our clients the most cutting edge, interactive audiovisual experiences possible. Who are they Smart AV are audiovisual […]

Reasons Not to Exhibit in 2017

There’s always a reason not to exhibit, many of them extremely compelling, or are they? If you look a little closer and are really honest, do they stand up? 1. You’re known enough No one is known enough, even Coke and McDonald’s advertise (a lot!) It’s short-term thinking, and your competitors are doing everything they […]

How will Brexit impact the exhibition industry?

Brexit is finally official, but what exactly does that mean for industries, like exhibitions and trade shows, which rely on visitors and selling products? Can the UK exhibition industry, without free movement of goods and people, still compete with its European-based competitors who do not have this additional hurdle? Uncertain future The reality is no […]

How do you know you are targeting the right audience at an exhibition?

People at an exhibition are looking for something, and they probably already know what it is. The key to your success is to understand whether it’s you they are looking for? What this means is simply knowing your audience and where they are likely to be, and then being there for them to find you. […]