
Specialists in delivering complex and large scale events, DMN Designbuild has partnered with the world’s leading brands and agencies to deliver engaging and successful event activations.

We are trusted by the UK's leading brands


What do you get when DMN builds your event environment?

Events are becoming increasingly popular for brands to deliver a memorable experience for their customers.

Getting the environment ‘just right’ is key to their success, cut too many corners and things can go publicly wrong, spend too much and your budget for the year can be quickly drained.

1. Briefing: Account Director
The briefing process sets out to understand your commercial and brand objectives along with location context, touring schedules and event design.
1. Briefing: Account Director
2. Element Design & Budgeting
Where required, we can undertake the design for each element of your event, no matter how complex. We then provide detailed costs and schedules. When timings are tight, we can offer a same day budget guide.
2. Element Design & Budgeting
3. Event Project Manager
We appoint you a dedicated project manager to oversee internal and client-side liaison. They will advise on design finishes and suppliers whilst overseeing venue inspections and communications.
3. Event Project Manager
4. Install & Tour
Overseen by your project manager, installation is then undertaken by our build team. If touring, we carefully assess the stand for refurbishment before it is sent to your next event.
4. Install & Tour
5. Evaluation and Measurement
Our post show de-brief includes detailed analysis of event objectives along with an assessment of your stand for repairs. We also offer storage where required.
5. Evaluation and Measurement