Could there be a way to tell your brand’s story more effectively?

Brands today love telling stories, using every possible medium to pull heartstrings, make audiences aspire to greater things or simply adore them. And with a 70% success rate [1] experiential is proving to be the perfect medium to tell these stories. It’s quickly becoming the bedrock of modern branding, but why? We love stories Human […]

How do you know your exhibition was a success?

The 8 faces of exhibition ROI Everyone is always saying what a great opportunity exhibitions are, but ultimately it comes down to their ROI. However, this isn’t as simple as just looking at your sales; often there is a little more to it. What is exhibition ROI? ROI for exhibitions isn’t simply about sales. If […]

Is the growth in technology at exhibitions and events putting people off exhibiting?

Use of technology at exhibitions is growing, so why are people so afraid to take the plunge and use it when exhibiting? How did everyone else become experts with exhibition technology so quickly? The fact is they haven’t. Like you, they probably had all the same reservations before using it. Their success with technology simply […]

Taking your brand outdoors: Your Festival and Events Checklist

Forget everything you know about events: you’re outdoors now. If you are planning an outdoor activation, then it’s time to think about your brand and event very differently. It’s time to: Reset your Mindset Outdoor events put your brand in front of an audience when they are at play. Consumer psychology changes the moment people […]

Stand design, just how do you get it right?

Monty's Bakehouse Exhibition for WTCE 2016 stand design by DMN

With over 85 million visits to UK exhibitions and events, bringing your brand to life is a hugely competitive business. How can you ensure that your stand will, well…stand out? Can you get away with just any old stand? In our experience, definitely not. When it comes to exhibiting the right design is crucial to […]

Exhibition Trends 2017

An exhibition is just an exhibition, right? Not anymore. Exhibitions are evolving fast, with technology and inventiveness making these stalwarts of the business calendar essential to your business planning. So what’s new for 2017? More content If you want to engage with your audience, you’re going to need more than a stack of leaflets. To […]

On the winning team

At DMN, we know that it’s our job to make our partners look great – not the other way round. But we’re still extremely proud of what we produce. Amazing success at The Yard So, when a partner agency wins awards for a project that we built, it’s very exciting. And, in one fantastic week […]

Want to grow your exhibition leads?

The event might have finished, but you’re not. 80% of sales come after the 5th contact, so after the exhibition is when the real work begins. It’s time to start making a return on all the effort you put into your exhibition. But how? What you do after the event is what makes it a […]

Staff training, the missing ingredient in most exhibitions

When it comes to putting on an exhibition, it’s your team that are essential to making it work. Not just in planning it, but in being there on the day. At the event, they will be the human face of your business. They are the experience. Getting this right is integral to your exhibitions success, […]

5 questions to always ask when promoting your exhibition stand

Marketing your stand Is your message clear? A clear message doesn’t mean simply bright colours or a gimmick. It’s about where your proposition and your audience meet. It’s here that you state how you fulfil your target markets requirements. You need to clearly and loudly respond to their needs. Whether it’s quality, customer service or […]