6 Reasons You Are Not Converting Leads From Exhibitions

Ever wondered why the excitement you get at the show doesn’t convert into sales? Exhibitions are not simply about being there and putting on a great show (although this is a big part of it). You also need to give people a reason to be there and to care once they leave. Your stand and […]

Introducing our newest partners…

Smart AV Virtual Reality Experts

Say hello to Smart AV DMN are always looking to push boundaries within the exhibition industry and to do that you need the right partners. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the people at Smart AV to offer our clients the most cutting edge, interactive audiovisual experiences possible. Who are they Smart AV are audiovisual […]

How will Brexit impact the exhibition industry?

Brexit is finally official, but what exactly does that mean for industries, like exhibitions and trade shows, which rely on visitors and selling products? Can the UK exhibition industry, without free movement of goods and people, still compete with its European-based competitors who do not have this additional hurdle? Uncertain future The reality is no […]

Could there be a way to tell your brand’s story more effectively?

Brands today love telling stories, using every possible medium to pull heartstrings, make audiences aspire to greater things or simply adore them. And with a 70% success rate [1] experiential is proving to be the perfect medium to tell these stories. It’s quickly becoming the bedrock of modern branding, but why? We love stories Human […]

The UK’s Top 10 Festivals for Brands This Summer

Festival season is nearly upon us, along with the opportunity to put your brand in front of millions of people when they are at their most receptive. The big question, however, is which festival is right for your brand? To understand what is on offer for your client’s brands, we’ve looked at this summer’s festival […]

Event Trends 2017

For events in 2017, expect more excitement and innovation than ever before. Events are challenging their audience’s expectations, and this unpredictability is creating a truly vibrant and groundbreaking industry. Meaning there could be some big and exciting things to look forward to in 2017. For DMN, we’re expecting to see a lot more: Storytelling Events […]

On the winning team

At DMN, we know that it’s our job to make our partners look great – not the other way round. But we’re still extremely proud of what we produce. Amazing success at The Yard So, when a partner agency wins awards for a project that we built, it’s very exciting. And, in one fantastic week […]