How to attract visitors to your exhibition stand

How exactly do you get people to your stand at an exhibition? Turns out, it’s just good old-fashioned planning and common sense. So here are our top 10 tips for getting it right every time:

1. Success starts long before the exhibition

Long before the event, you need to start letting people know it’s happening. Send invites, speak to customers and create interest. You’re laying the foundations of your success here.

2. Don’t forget to invite prospects

Exhibitions are an excellent opportunity to engage with new prospects, so make sure they know it’s happening. Give them a good reason to come, by speaking directly to their needs and concerns. Make it seem like an event they cannot afford to miss.

3. Ask for an attendees list from the event organisers

Speak to the event organisers directly and request a list of all those attending. It’s a great opportunity to open up new opportunities by talking, or marketing, to this new audience.

4. Have a good reason for people to visit your stand

Your products aren’t enough. In their minds, people don’t come to be sold to. In fact, in our experience, people attend events to find out what’s new, exciting and useful. So bring something a little different to the table.

5. Event communications

Use the event’s hashtags and communication channels leading up to the exhibition. It will give you a whole new audience to promote too, and will also give you an insight into what others have planned or what attendees are hoping to see. It’s a great tool for creating interest or understanding what else you can be doing to create interest.

6. Staff training and activity

Give your team all the training, knowledge and support they need. Plan shifts and breaks. Train them to be proactive in speaking to passer-by’s, without being too pushy. Get them out and about around the event to engage with the crowd, and creating interest.

7. Offer more

Your stand doesn’t just have to stand there; it’s up to you how much you offer. Be proactive and make it the place where things are happening. Hold ‘events’ – such as talks or demos – at your stand to stand out.

8. Ask the expert

Have an ‘ask the expert’ forum where people can ask you questions to solve their problems.

9. Have a ‘chill out’ zone on your stand

Exhibitions are full on and many welcome the space to recharge. So provide a welcome moment of peace amongst all the noise. Once people know about it, they will seek it/you out.

10. Follow up on leads after the event – more than once

Most companies claim it takes between four and seven meaningful contacts before a sale happens, yet nearly 80% of businesses only follow up on a lead once.

So good luck, and we hope to see you there.