MACH 2018 Review

MACH 2018 is one show where function really does come before design. Because the scale of the machines on show here is only surpassed by their ingenuity. Impressive display from @SAFRAN at the @MACHexhibition have it on good authority that it’s largely made of wood. — Smith Goodfellow PR (@SmithGoodPR) April 9, 2018 MACH 2018 size […]
WTCE & AIX 2018 Review

Three days, two shows, one goal: make flying a better experience. Welcome to the World Travel Catering & Onboard Services (WTCE) and Aircraft Interiors Expo shows. The WTCE & AIX mix WTCE and AIX may focus on different aspects of in-flight comfort, but it’s still in-flight comfort that matters to both at the end of […]